This website is intended for WSU/DMC residents. It is designed and run by internal medicine residents. Here is an overview of the main features
Open and accessible
No need to log-in through Citrix or work network. This website is accessible from anywhere in the world. There are selected password protected areas as well.
Compatible and customizable
Any content can be added, including but not limited to: pictures, sounds, videos, links to files or other pages, surveys… etc. The site is cross-checked and tested on all major web browsers (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox preferred). Also available on mobile devices. Access the website from mobile Safari to add a link that looks like an app to your homescreen on your iOS device.
Anyone can comment and be involved in discussions. Registration is available but is not required, and comments can be posted using facebook credentials. You can also “like” and share an article or post via facebook, twitter, Google Plus or e-mail. Anyone can submit a post using the “submit post” button. Authors, and editors can approve / edit submitted posts. For registered users, posting and uploading is as easy as sending an e-mail!
This website has lots of room for growth. Possible additions in the future include medical students page, observers page, and alumni contribution page. We have already started with adding a quality improvement and patient safety reference page.
Electronic sign-in to morning report
Signing-in is available from mobile devices or PC during or after the lecture. E-signin Can be extended to other conferences if needed. Residents can leave feedback and submit comments and a synopsis of what they learned.
Front page blog section
Features medical updates, morning report highlight and discussions. Everyone is welcome to post and comment. Relevant important departmental announcements easily posted and updated.
CMRs can upload and update block specific schedules for easy accessibility. Schedules can simply be accessed then saved on a mobile device or PC. Scheduling requests can be submitted online to be reviewed by all CMRs.
Text Page Terminal
Text page a resident right from this webpage. On a mobile device, it feels like texting! Text page is supported for all categorical internal medicine or med-peds resident. CMRs are also added. The text page terminal is password protected.
Downloads and Guides
WSU/Resident book and contact numbers can be made available in text or PDF format. Antibiograms, ICU infusion rates etc, can be posted for easy and quick access (coming soon).
Anonymous feedback
We’re always trying to be better. To improve transparency in communication between the residents and the program, anyone can use the black “Anonymous feedback” button to communicate without fear of retaliation.
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