While in NextGen, under the Intake tab,

  1. Click Reconcile
    1. capture 1
  2. Check the box for Manual reconciliation:
  3. Choosefromthedropdown list for … completed with:
    1. capture 2
  4. Choose from the drop down list for…confirmed with:
    1. capture 3
  5. Place check in Medication List box
    1. Ask the patient if he/she is taking the medication
  6. Choose the appropriate choice from the drop down list (Medication Adherence)
  7. Click on the medication
    1. capture 4
  8. Complete steps 5a, 6 and 7 for each medication.


If the patient needs to update an answer:

  1. Highlight the medication in the list
  2. Select the appropriate answer from the drop down list
    1. capture 5
  3. Click Update
  4. Click Save & Close
    1. Capture 6



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Previously on WSU MED