[list type=”check”]

  • Sign your Agreement of Appointment

Please print, read carefully and sign the 2014-2015 Agreement of Appointment. The  entire Agreement of Appointment must be named “last name, first name 2014.15” and uploaded to New Innovations. This is a legal contract and must be signed and uploaded within 14 days of receipt. See#3 below for instructions on uploading the agreement.

  • Instructions for Logging Into New Innovations*:

Information required to log into New Innovations:

Institutional Name: dmc
User Name: (see your email for username)
Password: First Initial of First Name and Complete Last Name (no space)

Example: John Smith
Password: jsmith

* New Innovations is a secure website and all personal information is encrypted.

  • Instructions for completing the On-Boarding Process within New Innovations:

Attached to your welcome email from GME, please find the “New Innovations On-Boarding for Incoming Residents and Fellows” instruction manual. Please follow the step-by-step directions for accessing and completing the New Hire Checklist. Each step provides detailed information for the action you must take.

To help process your uploaded documents to the New Hire Checklist in New Innovations, you must name your PDF documents as instructed below:




  • State of Michigan Medical License Application (Item # 2 (MD) or #3 (DO) On-Boarding Checklist)
    The DMC will be paying for your State of Michigan Limited Medical License. In order to begin your residency on July 1, 2014, your license must be approved and issued by the State of Michigan. You will NOT be allowed to begin your program without a valid license. To ensure your license is issued in time, please follow and complete Check List Item #2 (MD) or #3 (DO).


  • Please complete, sign and return the following documents directly to the GME Office:
    • Application for Educational Limited and Controlled Substance LicensesComplete both pages of the application, sign and mail the original to the DMC GME Office. The DMC GME will send this information along with payment to the State of Michigan on your behalf.
    • Certificate of Appointment to a Michigan Training HospitalComplete Section 1 – Applicant Information, sign and mail the original to the DMC GME Office. DMC GME will complete this form and submit to Department of Licensing.

      Detroit Medical Center

      GME Office

      4201 St. Antoine UHC 9C

      Detroit, MI 48201

  • Please complete, sign and send the following document to the Medical School from which you graduated:
    • Certification of Medical Education for Graduates of Medical Schools located in the United States, Its Territories, the District of Columbia or the Dominion of Canada (MD only)or
    • Certification of Medical Education for Graduates of Foreign Medical School




DMC and Vanguard Health Systems require new employees complete Net Learning Modules as a condition of employment. Before you begin your residency training you must also complete all of the required Net Learning Modules.

Net Learning Modules will be available beginning April 15 through June 15, 2014.

These modules MUST be completed before your start date.

Please click (or cut and past into your web browser) the below link and enter your employee ID#.
Information required to log into Net Learning:

Employee ID: «ID_Number»

International Medical Graduates:
If you are applying for a J1 visa, a member of the GME Office will initiate the J-1 process after which you will be contacted by ECFMG.

Resident Requirements:
Remember, the documentation required for the On-Boarding Check List must be up-loaded within 14 days of receipt. Failure to do so may delay your hire date.


If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Kim Canady at (313) 745-5147 or kcandady@dmc.org.

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