General concepts in QI
[acc_item title=”Cost-effective care”]Spiralling health care costs is a major challenge the health care community is facing right now. Choosing wisely is an intiative by the ABIM foundation to reduce overuse of tests and procedures. The ACP high value cost effective care curriculum aims to teach cost-effective physician habits to provide the best possible care whilre reducing unnecessary costs.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Human factors engineering”] Ever heard stories of patients receiving wrong medications due to identical packaging or labels? Does the way products are designed lead to human error? How can ‘usability testing’ help make products failure-proof by understanding the effect of human factors? [/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Core measures”]What are core measures? Why should I be bothered with numbers and statistics when I am only interested in learning effective patient care? Lets find out! [/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Crew resource management- improving team cognition”]”My colleague has got this one wrong for sure” – How many times has this thought crossed your mind? Lets find out how to make your voice heard and engage your team in decision-making! [/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”To Err is human- Are humans always to blame- A Systems approach”]Mistakes happen in healthcare all the time. As physicians, we often look inward and believe we should have done better. But are we always to blame? What if the system around us had design flaws which led to failure? If so, How can we prevent this from happening to another colleague?[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Lean”]Lean methodology refers to principles adopted from the leading car manufacturer Toyota to improve efficiency of healthcare delivery and reduce waste.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Hand offs and safe discharges”]The new ACGME duty hour regulations and the multi-disciplinary nature of modern medicine has made hand-offs more important than ever. Lets talk about ways to give better and safer handoffs.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”QI tools”]Lets talk about the tools we have to create a better, safer patient environment. Here is a power point presentation talking about 7 tools for quality improvement. 7_tools_of_quality_improvement.
[acc_item title=”Web M&M”]The AHRQ website provides sample cases which teach us important lessons in creating a safer and better environment for our patients[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”NCPS”]The National center for patient safety is a federal instituition that has been working behind the scenes to foster a safe patient care environment.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”QI projects”]The ACGME is now mandating resident participation in QI projects! Learn about ongoing projects in quality improvement and feel free to come up with your own ideas! Approach your chief residents in Quality and Safety! ‘Laks’ Nandagopal –, ‘Chet’ Mandapakala-[/acc_item]
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