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    • #30139 Reply
      Adel Elmoghrabi

      This past month I personally was a patient and was forced to undergo extensive research to determine my copay of several blood tests, imaging studies in addition to doctor’s appointments and after traversing this venture I could only come close to understanding what it means to have a chronic medical condition without having medical insurance or having medical insuranec without good coverage. With regards to social determinants, I was able to reflect on the numerous blessings that I had including having a vehicle to drive a few extra miles to see a “maximum savings provider” as the insurance calls it, something that many of our patients do not have and something that we take for granted almost on a daily basis. Many of our patients do not show up to clinic because they do not have a right or simply that their mode of transportation never showed up. Additionally during my illness I was very blessed by having adequate nutrition to help him regain my strength, something that is not a given presence in every home. I can go on and on with many more examples however the endpoint is that the parameters that make up the social determinants have resulted in healthcare disparities which have been going on and acknowledged for centuries however have only recently come into light. What remains is real solutions to resolve this worldwide pandemic.

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