Links to Resident Resources + Tips

Please visit the Resident OneDrive Resources Folder for more information

Inpatient Rotations (DRH/HUH/KCI/VA)

Helpful Hints.   EMR tips, supportive care templates, and more.

VA Operational Resources contains: Phone/pager directory, VA Pearls Survival Guide, hyperlink to access Citrix and WSU Email while at the VA, Interfacility transfer steps, and other resources.


Electrolyte Replacement

Nightfloat Survival Guide (credit to SUNY Upstate)

Morning Report Guide containts Expectations, Do’s/Dont’s and a Sample template. For more MR examples visit the MR folder.

Outpatient (Ambulatory Clinic)

DMC Lab Test Directory

Consultation Rotations

Consult Rotation Guides. Where to go and what to expect on consult services. Compiled by residents, fellows, and sub-specialty coordinators.

Detroit Community Resources

Detroit – Metro Community Resources (03-2019) Food pantries, soup kitchens and homeless shelters
Aunt Bertha – The Social Care Network – Detroit

Intern Summer Lecture Series “Boot Camp” Lectures (July-August)

Admission Process – Intern Boot Camp

Discharge Process- Intern Boot Camp

Notes + Macro Tips – Intern Boot Camp

Pharmacy Resources – Intern Boot Camp