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    • #24724 Reply
      Asil D

      The idea of lacking of medical care for large segments of Americans emphasize a critical question: is health care in the United States a basic human right Or is it a privilege?

      As physicians, we are guided by two universal principles of the Hippocratic Oath: protection of patients from harm and injustice at both the individual and societal levels. Not providing patients with needed health care is both harmful and unjust. The United States is unique among advanced nations in not guaranteeing basic health care to citizens. How can this be a sound moral and ethical for a physician in case patient could not afford the care provided? Physician concerns over income are the root causes that have hindered progress toward universal health care which is known to provide basic healthcare for citizens. The causes stated and implied, have varied over time, mainly and more recently,this has been attributed to the unaffordable costs of free basic health care.

      This week talk focused on What should the health care industry position be in relation to endeavors toward universal health care. Until recently, medical professionals and those with adequate insurance shared the burden of covering the uninsured through higher premiums, overuse of emergency rooms, and complex billing strategies. These short-term solutions are no longer the best option for the health care industry. Over time, the benefit derived from universal coverage and affordability will provide funded access to health care to an additional 50+ million Americans who can afford reasonable health care and access to much needed care, medications, procedures, and hospitalizations as needed. Deeper penetration of covered stable health care will ultimately benefit all components of the health care industry including insurance companies, drug and medical devices companies, hospitals, physicians, and other associated health care providers. By endorsing even parts of the universality of health care in the United States, the health care industry will do good and do well.

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