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    • #31288 Reply
      Alaa Akhras

      Being honored to work in this community, I had the pleasure of working with patients from several different socioeconomic backgrounds. The patients that present the most challenge are the homeless as they require a certain approach to their management. I had a patient in clinic that arrived later than his scheduled time. As a resident, it may be frustrating to see these patients as they tend to cause further backup and delay in care of other patients, however, as a physician a have to force myself and try to address the reason why they arrived late. Most of the times it is due to inadequate transportation. This is a factor that many of us take for granted, nevertheless, it is a privilege not available to most of our patient population and we must continue to strive to understand this aspect and become more compassionate because at the end of the day, these patients are seeking us for guidance and help for their healthcare.

    • #60811 Reply

      The Belonging Tree by Maryann Cocca-Leffler ~ 9781250305138

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