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    • #29256 Reply
      Antonio Smith

      although it is startling to see close to a quarter of the homeless population suffering from mental health, it is no surprise. I had one patient that was recently homeless with a history of ESRD on HD s/p DDRT with a recent rejection due to medication non adherence. During rounds he was scrutinized by my peers for being “non compliant” and taking a kidney away from a deserving patient. As I did my assessment of this patient I discovered that he had features of schizophrenia and never carried a diagnosis or treatment in the past via EHR chart review. I was shocked. Here is a gentlemen battling homelessness, and ESRD with an undocumented and untreated mental health illness. Im certain that if he was screened for mental health and treated appropriately, he would have maintained the appropriate immune suppression necessary to salvage his kidney. It is important an imperative to screen our homeless companions for mental health and to get them treatment and resources promptly.

    • #29257 Reply
      Hala Nas

      I have a patient who was homeless when I initially started seeing, he had schizophrenia as well. First time I saw him in clinic he was still homeless, off of medications, he had poor hygiene, not replying to questions or replying with only one word. We then referred him to mental health, in the next two months you could visibly see the difference: My patient was dressed up nicely, cologne and all! He was more interactive, smiling, showing me his drawings and poems, he told me that he was finally situated with a home. I believe my patient’s story is the sunny end of the story, which is I hope would be the case for most, if we effectively screen and try to do something about it. In our discussion last week, homelessness can rob you of the simplest, most basic things that can bring joy and stability to your life, and we should be vigilant in addressing the issue and trying to help as much as possible

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