Homepage Forums Social Determinants: Red Cohort Forum Psychosocial determinants and behavioral of heath and health care

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    • #31089 Reply
      Raja Rabadi

      It is very important and detrimental to know about the patient’s psychosocial determinants in order to provide the appropriate care they need. It easy for us physicians to make diagnosis and write a prescription, however we won’t be making a difference in the patient’s health if the patient does not the appropriate support or access to medications. Spending sometime to talk to the patient to know the house dynamics, if they have access to medications and if they are able to take their medications, can come a long way. I have had patients that live along and have poor sight and cannot distinguish their medications and they would take their medications the wrong way. Not having the appropriate family support is one of the causes for readmissions. Family support is very important for improving patients health and knowing that can help tailor the care for each patient individually in order to have a better outcome.

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