1-Case choice:

It doesn’t have to be a “super interesting” or a “Zebra” case. If you have COPD exacerbations and HF exacerbations that is OK, we can always learn something from a bread and butter case. You might want to focus on differential, or workup, or treatment. All cases are welcome

Identify your case early on. Work with your senior on choosing a patient. You have a week head-start so use it.


It simply follows your H&P: You should have a chief complaint, an HPI (that includes active complaint and review of systems pertaining to it), a ROS, Histories, Illness script, Physical exam (including the vitals), your differential diagnosis, then the workup that was done. It is good to have a hospital course slide telling how you came to the active diagnosis and what was done, then your teaching slides about the subject of the case. Your teaching slides should not exceed 5 or 6 slides, quick take away points

I have attached a template that can aid you in doing your presentation

3-HPI rules 

Please make sure your HPI is clear. It is not a copy paste from admission note, make sure the chief complaint is explored properly along with the pertinent review of systems

4-Senior/Intern roles

-Senior responsibilities: 
  • work with your intern on choosing an appropriate case.
  • Send the CMR the FIN number of that patient and what do you want to discuss.
  • Oversee the intern’s presentation and correct mistakes.
  • Teaching slides are your responsibility (5 maximum)
  • As you see fit, you can add a MKSAP question

-Intern responsibilities:

  • arrange your case on a power point file
  • send it to your senior for feedback as soon as you are done
  • on day of MR, present your case as prompted by CMR

-Presentations should be sent to CMR 48 hrs in advance. Cases that are sent late will be run by the team senior

-Presenting team should be in the board room 10-15 minutes in advance to set up


Morning Report Template


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